All good

So, readied and prepared another short story (after a good deal of rewriting) which I sent out this afternoon. Dawn here again, working very hard indeed, and then she gave me a lift to Hove for a late afternoon back crack at the osteopath. I waited alone in a waiting room, and young Bradley strode in and I didn't recognise him for a moment, due to the fact he wasn't at first wearing a mask. The session itself hasn't yielded the big crack I need in my back, nor I suspect will the next. I wonder what is to be done. My back is some percentage better however.

Walked home listening to my lectures about Egypt. It is exactly what I wanted: a detailed overview of Ancient Egyptian history. I particularly like it when he explains an antiquity in detail. I found one piece he was talking about online and could understand what was going on, even down to recognising the hieroglyphs for the name of the king. Calling kings Pharaohs was a Hebrew thing, apparently, as pr-o in Egyptian means great house.

Home and Lorraine tired but bearing gifts, including a rather nice bottle of gin.  We watched film of her leaver's assembly where Mrs Kenny gave an excellently delivered speech. It was a good film, and had a long montage of the kids right from when they were 4 until now. A proper tear jerker, no doubt, for their parents.
