Cracks and crackles

Up early, wrote some ideas down for Lorraine when she is giving a leaving speech for bairns at her school. Requested more antibiotic for ears, although as the day wore on I realised the steroid cream was working well as I had stopped itching my ears.

A drizzly start to my walk to New Church Road in Hove to see the young Bradley the osteopath, who had another go at cracking the two vertebrae that are rigid in my back. Failed, but failed better. After this, I literally walked across the road and popped in to have a nice cup of tea with Betty. Amy was there too. Beth seems very happy there already, and is glowing with cheeriness, which is lovely to see.

Walking back, Anton phoned and we talked of many things, including Ancient Egypt, which I want to read more about. I want an overview of its history. Home and had exceeded my 10k paces of walking done for the day. I finished The Book of Science and Antiquities by Thomas Keneally as I walked too. Full interesting ideas but I found I did not love it and I don't really know why.

Spoke to Mum and discussed how bored we were which didn't seem to help.

Did quite a bit of prep for recording an interview with Tess Jolly, however once we hooked up online the sound from her end, despite all efforts was unrecordably bad. Have to have a rethink. Good to talk to her nevertheless.

Felt quite cheery this evening, had a floured cod lightly fried in butter by Mrs Kenny with a big salad and Jersey potatoes. Watched yesterday's 'celebrity' Masterchef, including a drag artiste called Baga Chipz who I had never heard of but managed to do her cooking in a restaurant kitchen with enormous false eyelashes etc. That's commitment.
