The other side of the tube

Patrick and Maureen here today. I lurked in my office doing some recording with Robin this morning. Just as Lorraine and Pat and Maureen were going off for a little trip into Seaford, Lorraine found evidence of more criminal behaviour -- in two varieties -- from Brian in the dining room. We thought he was on the straight and narrow, but it is starting again. Just after I finished cleaning this, Brian was getting under my feet and I ejected him with threats out of the cat flap. Felt like a monster afterwards, as he obviously had no idea what was up. 

Off to Edgware then, for reasons there are only limited trains at the moment from Lewes to London, so had to go via Brighton. I ended up staying on the train and going to Victoria, then tubing it from there for a change. I felt strangely separated from the world of work, now looking at those folks commuting home after a day at work as an oddity. I have not had to commute to work since just before Covid. I miss it not a jot. 

Bought a pizza and some wine, and enjoyed these with Mum while watching Mash this evening.  
