
Sore throat, sinuses, nose mouth etc. Woke up wanly and phoned the dentist to ask if this would prevent me from having my dental appointment. Luckily it did not. Lorraine of course far worse, wretched and unable to eat. She got a little better during the day, but is still far from well.

Phoned mum this morning. Pat and Maureen who were as good as gold in their extra holiday, and I did them toasties for lunch and sausages and mash for dinner. Lorraine struggled down a bit of mashed potato this evening, and was able to sit up in the lounge. 

Out in Seaford queued outside the pharmacy for ages with snowy haired elders: my tribe. The dentist appointment was delayed, so I did the food shopping.  

Half my mouth deep cleaned. It cost an arm and a leg. Lots of injections and surgery level cleansing for at least half an hour. Cóilín told me this the deepest clean I would ever need, throwing shade on that cowboy Lucinda on Strand on the Green.  Part two the week after next. Was told my mouth would be tender for two days. It is. At least when I was numbed, by sore throat was less bad. 

In the evening finally was able to do some reading and sent off some interview questions to my next victim. Early to bed. 
