Basking briefly in the Scottish evening sun

Jade working. Sam also doing his two shifts. A slowish start for us in our Roger Street, Cellardyke. Went for a stroll around Cellardyke, passing a blue plaque for Peter Smith, known as Poetry Peter born in 1847. Eventually mooched up to Kilrenny to chat to Sam between shifts. I snuck in a sleep too, as I am still feeling drained from this heavy chest cold. 

Also much exercised by a poetry dilemma. I entered two poetry MS into two competitions -- the same MS but under two different names. I find myself shortlisted in both competitions, and am now excruciated by the idea that they might both win and I would have to explain to one what I had done, and be expelled in ridicule from the poetry world, with too many penalties on my poetic licence and so on. I find out next week. Sod's law says it will be the same day.  

Once Jade was done, we went outside a pub in the weak Scottish evening sunlight and drank some beer, then made off a few yards to the Anstruther Fish Bar. Here we had Fish and chips and mushy peas. Particularly good chips, then we walked. The staff were all wearing white, and our sever, had blue white skin, and white clothes and lots of tattoos and a dozen ear rings and a resolute expression. 

After this we walked off to The Bank, where we had a couple of beers and played some cards. A nice bar this, and a place where Sam is well known. Lovely to chat to Sam who is on fine form, enjoying his job seeing school children across the street twice a day, handily near the Bank pub. He was telling me that the his friends there were supportive of him getting the job, and he likes the feeling that he is bringing something positive to the community. And stopping small children being run over is unambiguously good thing. 

Below a few snaps around Cellardyke and Anstruther. The last from bottom is the view from the rear of Sam and Jade's cottage. And the bottom one, low tide at Cellardyke at 8:30pm-ish.
