Lorraine's birthday

I got up early, and learned that I had been highly commended in one of the a pamphlet competitions, but had not won. A bit like getting to the FA cup final and losing. Gah. But at least I will not have to explain myself now, should the other one win.  I put all this behind me as it was Lorraine's birthday turned my attention to having fun instead. 

In Roger Road, Lorraine and I had tea in bed and Lorraine opened lots of cards and had some presents and had several messages coming in. After a leisurely breakfast, we jumped on a bus to St Andrews and Sam hopped on the same one down the road at Kilrenny. Jade of course, on her way to New York today. We had a gorgeous journey sitting upstairs at the front of the bus, next to us were a couple from New Mexico, who were entranced. The woman said she felt energised by the grey days, and everything was like a Disney film. Lovely countryside there, and I loved how the coastline looked so blue in the distance. 

In St Andrews Sam came with us to Toppers bookshop -- currently our favourite shop. Sam brought Lorraine two books, one on crewel work and the other on decorative nature based cross stitch alphabets. A bit niche, but Lorraine well pleased. And surprised, as she thought he was only buying one. I bought a couple of poetry books and impulse by book of C.S. Lewis quotes. The bookshop man, an artist, was very likeable, and asked if I liked poetry and Lorraine told him I have a poetry podcast and his colleague found it on their computer immediately. 

Sam had shopped for some shoes, and had to leave early to get back for work. We had bite in a cafe, and mooched about. I was hoping to buy Lorraine some baubles/trinkets to augment her birthday present but those kind of shops were all closed it being a Monday. We did however see the statue of Hamish McHamish, a cat whose wikipedia page is well worth a read.

We popped into a pub, mainly to use the bathroom, but I availed myself of a pint of Belhaven 80 shilling, which had a nice smoky aftertaste. Lorraine had a half, and all was well. We walked back to the bus station, but having found our seats the bus was briefly withdrawn from service because of dodgy breaks. Bus driver to I don't know why they bother, I never use the breaks anway'. Once fixed we hopped back on and Lorraine and I bussed to Crail, where we mooched about in Crail pottery, but saw nothing there that forced us to buy it. We walked about a bit and looked down at the harbour and nesting seabirds, and then went to stand in the rain at the bus stop. Eventually sheltering in the doorway of Penman's butchers. Hopped on the bus to Kilrenny, and let ourselves in to Sam and Jade's house. When Sam back, be cooked an extremely good prawn pasander with dhal and rice. Had a really nice evening with him, chatting and eating.

He walked us back to Roger Road by the light of an almost full moon, and we sloped back and thought about packing but decided simply to get up early instead. 

It had been a really nice day. I told Lorraine about the poetry business late this evening, as I didn't want my raging against fate to sour the day. By then I had made my peace with it anyway. I might learn from that. 

Below Hamish McHamish, Crail Pottery, seabirds possibly fulmars, the Isle of May from Crail, Lorraine on her birthday, Crail harbour, and sporting a birthday rosette Sam bought her.


