Oh Gino

Preparing for our trip to Scotland, lots of jobs done by Lorraine especially. Feeling okay, apart from my heavy cold. I popped out to the shops and got flour from the shops, and nosed about, and queued for Lorraine's prescription, which was not in yet. Into Gallery Uno, where I had a chat with two artists who were manning the shop. Palo and my Snow pamphlets stored there at floor level which is not ideal, but at least they are there. On the way home, spoke to a neighbour Jenny, and talk quickly turned to how to remove cat excrement and pee from carpets. Pee conversations seem inescapable at the moment.

Had a nice chat with Mum, and Lorraine talked to Pat and Maureen recovering from the nasty stomach bug they probably got from Lorraine. 

I saw I am on the shortlist for a pamphlet competition, but have decided not try not get excitable about it as I have been down this road many times before. It's hard not to have the odd gleam of optimism though. I also spent a couple of hours his afternoon, attending the Understory Conversation, chatting with Charlotte and others over Zoom. Got a good deal out of it personally today, which was pleasing.

 In the evening off to Gino's with James and Beth, as an early celebration of Lorraine's birthday. One problem with Gino's is that afterwards I had Oh Gino, by Dexy's Midnight Runners in my head for hours. Had a very tasty Diavola pizza there, plus salad and garlic mushrooms. Beth and James on good form, and enjoying the food. They gave Lorraine a cookbook written by Beth's pal Laura's brother's girlfriend. Beth has done over a year without missing a day on her DuoLingo app. Her Italian vocabulary is expanding.

Home again, Lorraine preparing four loaves of bread to cook tomorrow morning. An episode or two of The Orville which we are rewatching before bed.

Beth took this photo of Lorraine with her pressie.
