Snow arrives

Awoke up feeling creeped out at 3am, and realised it The Loney, the book I had been reading before I fell asleep, had made me feel uneasy.  Some time at my desk this morning, and a quick chat with mum. Off with Lorraine just after lunch to collect Pat and Maureen from Eastbourne station. All safely installed in the car, and enjoying the journey back looking across fields to the sea. 

Home and  listening to Robin's latest interview. Also took delivery of the little Snow booklets, which are small and lovely. Very pleased with them, and Palo was too. A tiny triumph.

Lorraine had bought an entire salmon going cheap in Morrisons. I went for a gorgeous walk by the lively sea and also popped into Morrisons. A glimpse of Seaford's dark underbelly. A man and his young son outside the supermarket as I passed. Boy: I don't like Mum. Man: Neither do I. She's a cheating whore for a start. Slightly startled by this I crossed the road, and saw a woman leaving the pig roast place, smartly dressed but drunk, and with sauce all over her face. Then I rounded the corner to see a load of pensioners fall unsteadily out of the Steamworks. It was six thirty. 

Returned to find Lorraine had thrown the salmon head into the lawn, and there were seagulls screaming over it.

The rest of the salmon was lovely, and we ate it with green salad leaves from our own garden, and bulgar wheat with bits of nice veg in it. In the evening Beth and James popped to see Pat and Maureen, and collect the other half of the salmon. Pat and Maureen enjoying snooker on TV tonight, which was reminding me of how much Gwen my grandmother liked it in her later years, always being good at mental arithmetic. A Chinese woman referee. The game has moved on since I last paid any attention to it.

And so to bed.

A glimpse into Snow.

