A spot of fun

Lorraine and Beth went to somewhere called The Range for shopping --  Beth buying some picture frames. Lorraine came back with cat food, and barbecue wood lighters. Nothing as eccentric as a whole cod, fortunately. I lay low, and did a bit of writing, but have little or no stamina. I'm having ideas but little actual drive. My mouth still painful. Chesty cold still in full flow. Lorraine and I went to Morrisons, a wild adventure for me, as I'd not been out in several days. I am the human embodiment of draggy. 

Beth and James came around for a roast Sunday dinner. Afterwards we played the card game called golf at which I by chance triumphed. James exasperated and competitive which was amusing. Nice to do something a bit fun. Fun is in great demand. 

Below a tulip, bluebells and honesty in our front garden. 
