Silhouettes by a foamy sea

Antsy and finding anything requiring application or concentration hard. Every time I thought about doing my own work, I had the image of two magnets having their wrong ends pushed towards each other. Although I spent a few hours editing the podcast.

Happily, Maureen was released back into the wild today, but will need Lorraine to the be there at least until the weekend. It has shaken up everyone of course. All I can do is be supportive from a distance.  The rail strike means I can't pop over to Ashford -- or up to London or even Brighton. I need a haircut, but am not yet ready to trust Seaford with my lustrous mane of follicles.  

The cats are missing Lorraine, and sometimes the pair of them follow me from room to room like disgruntled dogs. 

Blew the cobwebs off by taking my camera for a walk alongside the sea and on the lower bits of Seaford Head. But the wind so strong there it was literally hard to stand up. Very white sea. Few people about, but some were standing close to the water so I could take their silhouettes against the sea. One mad bloke popped in and out of the drink. Particularly like my black and white shot with the crow and think that the people in a line against the sea look like they have arrived by some mysterious  arrangement.
