Poetry with Lorraine

After a few bits of pieces of admin, and a quick chat with Keith, to Brighton at noon as staring at the formless mass of at my hair on screen recently has become abominable. While in Brighton sourced some Japanese roasted green tea teabags and a desk diary. Stacy looked startled by my arrival, and it turned out he had double booked. The bonus of this was that Stacy, who normally spends the last ten minutes of any haircut, snipping at hairs that can only be seen on some metaphysical plane inhabited only by barbers, was faster. The journey to and fro arriving a few minutes after Lorraine arrived. 

Very happy to see my wifey again. Maureen thankfully feeling more comfortable today, after what had been a scary week. Lorraine happy to be home again -- although feeling a bit torn. Ken is staying with Pat at the moment luckily.

In the evening I went to the Needlewriters and was delighted that Lorraine felt up for coming too. 

Amusingly, Lewes seemed abuzz compared to Seaford. Went there primarily to see Sarah Barnsley read from The Thoughts. She did so with energy and properly engaged with the audience, who enjoyed her lots. Usual folks there, we sat with Charlotte and Stephen Bone, and Jeremy and La Barnsley. The other readers were Ciar Byre who read a couple of ghost stories set in Lewes, and Raine Geoghegan read poems that used the Romany words of part of her family. 

The poetry all over by eight, so Lorraine and I sauntered off to Bill's after and had a late dinner. Felt lovely to be doing something nice on a school night.
