A little writing of mine own

Up before seven this morning. I wake early when Lorraine isn't here.

A chat with Keith over my morning cuppa and then I did writing of mine own. Finding it hard to concentrate -- despite having some ideas. Gym at lunchtime - listening to Victor Klemperer's diaries. So reminiscent of the rise of Trump and populism -- the flagrant tearing up of the rules and everybody either enthusiastic or numb.  

I miss certain equipment that was in my old gym. Few people go there, but I am finding the right machines are hard to get to, covered in teenage gym limpets.

Took a longer route home, Seaford misty and cold. A small doze this afternoon, then more writing till getting on for eight. Made a fast curry and watched Star Trek. Bed a bit earlier today, reading a bit from CG Jung's book Memories, Dreams, Reflections about his meetings with Freud. They do sound (unintentionally) hilarious.

Below still learning Seaford. Down a twitten today which forked.
