Greenhouse construction

Uploaded the podcast this morning after Robin had made a few tweaks. Then Lorraine and I spent quite a bit of time in the glasshouse, building a bench-like affair for potting and other horticultural tasks. Lots of nuts and bolts. Broke off when Rosie popped in for a hug, on the way to a nearby school. Among other things we talking about the photo of Innis in his coastguard gear that appeared in the local newspaper -- there had been a wide response to look for a missing boy, who was luckily unharmed.

Lorraine loving working in the glasshouse, and really excited by the possibilities.

Calliope had been briefly out in the garden, and hurrying back to the house after us, she stopped in her tracks and emitted a couple of deep loud howls and did not move. I was certain she was about to die. Lorraine told me to bring her in, and she sat on my lap unmoving for a couple of minutes, but before long she was fine again, got off me, snacked on some kibbles and seemed no worse for wear.  

Lorraine and I went shopping in Seaford briefly this afternoon -- for a box to put my Secret Santa present in. Lots of places close early on weekdays in January I learned. Dropped my watch off at a jewellers by the station to be collected tomorrow. Home to work more on the secret santa present for Deana. It is a sort of a poem in a cross fold so that you read a couple of lines at a time. I don't really know Deana but I looked up that Deana meant valley. Doing little drawings too. I was mainly driving myself mad trying to do it, until Lorraine reminded me it was the words that were important. 

Finished it at 9, finally, and Lorraine and I had a small nip of sloe gin and watched some Star Trek Voyager before bed and hot water bottles and a chapter of Don Quixote.

Below, Innis the coastguard looking like a boss earlier this week. And some of our goldfish under thin ice in the morning...
