Maureen back in hospital

Ken phoned Lorraine just after seven this morning from hospital, saying he'd driven Maureen there at 4am. Lorraine got up and went straight to Ashford. Maureen stayed all day and was kept in overnight, and Lorraine reached there by mid morning, having bussed to Eastbourne, then caught the train to Ashford and a taxi to the station -- she spent the day with Maureen, who is naturally a bit shattered and was very pleased to have her there, and left late at night and stayed with her Dad and Ken. Everyone concerned about Maureen -- and I spent the day in readiness to drop everything. 

Otherwise, worked with Keith this morning to finish things off, but the job dragged on somewhat, which given the circumstances, made me somewhat restless. Had an idea to amend a poem, but concentration these days is a rare commodity. 

Otherwise I went for two walks, one just as it was getting dark. It bad been thundering further along the coast, and at one point, turning off the shoreline at the Esplanade, onto a street called The Causeway, I had to grab onto a wall to stop myself being blown over by the wind. Luckily I had a hood up, because the rain and spray stung your face. I don't recall the sea at Brighton seeming so fierce. A second, slightly calmer walk along the sea at nine o'clock. The pubs 

Sat on by two cats, and chatted with Lorraine and Betty off and on. Pleased that Betty has James to take care of her. Late to bed, listening to the sea roaring on the shore nearby.

Below on the esplanade. This snap fails to capture the lashing rain, the roaring sea, and the wild wind.  It was deserted though, I was the only one strolling about, apart from one other hidden in the shelter immediately ahead.
