An interlude with Beth and James

Unhurried teas in bed. Up for breakfast. Lorraine driving off to pick up Calliope's medicine then off to Paul in Hove to get her hair done. I stayed at home, to sign off my accounts, write a few emails and then walk to Hove (where I was almost run over on the pavement by two brats on an e scooter) to meet Lorraine, who I discovered browsing in a shop called Velvet. Not able to see her,  I called and heard her phone from one of the changing rooms which made me smile. She eventually emerged with silky hair, which as tradition dictates, appears longer than when she went in.  

Drove back having a judicious nap, then called Mum to arrange seeing her and Mas next week, then made ourselves ready to go out. James collected us in Betty's lipstick coloured car and drove us to their place. From there we walked down to Shoreham harbour to a place called The New Port Arms where we sat outside for a bit, then went in to have food. Heartwarming to see Beth and James. They are obviously very much in love and make each other feel secure. What's more they are good together. They are making all kinds of plans for the future. 

Food pleasant enough. Lorraine and I still not feeling 100% on the mysterious queasy bug, but much better.  I ended up having a burger which came with fries. I can't remember the last time I have eaten so many chips in one week. A bad week with only one gym visit, but excessive heat, work and queasiness conspired against it.  

Below James and Beth.
