Starting slowly

Sprang out of bed at an alarming 8:30 and made tea and spent a bit of time attempting to locate my Mojo. Prepped for my conversation with Janet Sutherland, and spent an enjoyable hour or so talking with her from 11:00 am. A few technical glitches but her son was able to sort out. I admire her poetry greatly, so having a conversation with her, and hearing her poems was an absolute pleasure. Chatting about how good Sarah Barnsley's new book is at the end too. 

Fond farewells with Jade this morning as she set off back to St Andrew's today. It is difficult for Sam and Jade, but they are making the best of things I think. Glad I didn't have to face such an epic journey. Instead we found the boxes marked Christmas, and put away all the decorations. Both of us with mixed feelings about it. I suppose there is something tidier about it.  

A nice chat with Mum on FaceTime. Mum was sitting near the front door, and Wynford from next door knocked, and invited himself and his wife and dad around for the evening and had a brief chat with me. Friendly man. Big foxes nipping each other in the back garden today. We're also getting some milage out of the Police having come around to speak to concrete dog man next door. 

Anton on a rigorous diet and eschewing boozes till he gets all his medical tests done this month. Back to work tomorrow as there is nothing else to do. 

Went for a walk in the afternoon, trying to return to mortal. Dismal grey day. Came home and ate a small pile of shortbread with Lorraine and Sam, thus nullifying any boon from the walk. Lorraine had been working this weekend, but when I got home she was nestled in the gloom playing on her nintendo. Hello baby, it's a bit dark, I said. Yes I am hiding, she said.

Spartan times ahead. I weighed myself before I went to bed and I am fatter than I have been for about three years. Iron diet starts tomorrow, along with all the bloody work. Lorraine back to work tomorrow too, and has already been juggling staff covid and so on. What a life. 

This evening reading my camera manual, and more of the book Innis lent me about taking great photos. No inspiration on a day when black and white photos look livelier than the colour ones. A dark grey day. Everything was greyer than a grey day in Grays Essex. Two snaps (for mood only) of the golf course.

