Just a bloke looking at big trucks

A weird motivation bypass, despite getting up early to write, but after a while ran out of steam and started editing an interview. Lorraine getting ready to go off to see Pat and Maureen. Shortly after she set up, she turned around and came home again, as she was feeling queasy and off colour. She had a gold sofa day. 

I went for a nice walk along the seafront. The heavy trucks were redistributing gravel over the beach, which is used to protect the town from flooding. Quite a spectacular sight. I'm not one for machines, but there was something quite stirring about the big trucks making great grooves in the beach pebbles with their wheels as they went about their Sisyphean task of moving stones from one end of the beach to the other. 

Home again and sat with Lorraine reading, but then fell asleep. 

Below redistributing stones on the beach. Oddly fascinating. And one of those stop and stare moments that I suddenly feel more able to do.
