Back in the Batty

So up and working on the freelance job from eight. Had a cup of coffee, with Keith on line at ten. Lorraine brought me in a boiled egg and a cup of coffee, and he was highly envious. He had a job on, but confirmed my feeling that the freelance is a bit dead in the UK. 

A meeting at lunchtime. Turns out that yesterday's brief which I'd spent hours answering, was not what was wanted at all. So a re-brief. They find it easier to say what they don't want, than what they do. It is hard for my main client, because he has to say everything in a second language. Worked through the day till four-ish. 

Then, after chatting with Lorraine, I made off to Seaford Station and met Anton in the Batty.  Anton exhausted by all the events he is running. Loads of travel and responsibility, mainframe computers made out of glass and lego, and worst of all, and having to talk about business with attendees. New landlord in the Batty, who plays heavy metal and rock. Not very Brighton at all. A boozer in the Midlands... Fine. But here in Brighton, not so much. We played a game of bones and put to world to rights with a few beers, then Walked up to Anton's place where he cooked some pasta and we sat about chatting and playing some records including the classic Dread Meets Punk Rockers Uptown classic reggae tunes selected by Don Letts.

A straightforward journey home. And sat chatting on the gold sofa with Lorraine, Pat and Maureen having gone to bed, for a couple of hours. 
