Turning a corner

Feeling distinctly perkier -- walking around in a non-wheezy way. I worked in the garden for a while too. Definitely -- after two weeks -- feeling suddenly lots better.   

L andI went to Paradise Park, home to large model velociraptors a dinosaur experience, and a garden centre. Walking around not feeling out of breath and weird is great. We have not been to the dinosaur experience so far, although we could hear what sounds like a model train or something, beeping continuously driving around on the other side of the garden centre wall, which sounded minimally exciting. Lots of browsing, and we came away with shrubs and strawberry, raspberry and goji berry plants as part of the dense agricultural business that will be our back garden. 

I'm beginning to look at tropical fish again. There were some at the garden centre, and also at Pets at Home in Newhaven. I have a vision of a tank that is lushly planted but sparsely populated with just a two species of tetras in small shoals, and perhaps a few bronze corydoras no nose about in the gravel.

Lorraine went to B&Q as we are after a wheelbarrow. Surprisingly difficult to find. The ones at B&Q were rusty and spattered with bird lime.

A chilled afternoon, watching rugby on TV.  Lorraine went to see Betty this evening. I bought fish and chips and stayed in, happy to be feeling more like my normal self -- and looking forward to being in circulation again myself soon.
