
Trying to get moving again. Went for a walk around the block before starting work. A bit of an error as lungs reacted badly to the cold air, and I felt worse afterwards. Really disoriented talking to Keith at one point this morning. Kept trying and failing to explain a simple idea but just couldn't find the words. We made as much progress as possible and were somewhere near where we should be. Ten minute doze at lunch. Very pleased when we stopped -- feeling barely able to cope.

Lorraine, luckily, feeling somewhat brighter, the Covid seems to have been milder this time. After work Lorraine drove us to the chippy, weirdly empty, and I dived in and scored medium chips, medium cod, and mushy peas twice. Home and good for nothing except watching TV just happy to be with Lorraine. Had the bagpipe lungs for a week -- and they are making everything difficult.
