Harmonicas of doom

Working with Keith again. Another day I found stressful. Lorraine off to her personal trainer in the afternoon, then went around to see Rosie and had dinner with her in the Giggling Squid. Steve, who has been ill ventured back into the world today. I met him for an hour in The Old Boot Inn after work. Nice to throw off the desk manacles over a cheeky pint of mother in law. Steve mainly repaired. He blames the convention of harmonica players in Brighton he went to recently at the Brunswick, where he spent hours in a darkened room with lots of people wheezing through their mouth organs. Many were ill afterwards apparently. 

Home at seven, and Lorraine arrived later. To bed, cheered by the idea that I have only one more day on the current job. Arranged to meet Anton on Friday, which I am greatly looking forward to. Star Trek Voyager with Lorraine, then bed.
