A tad brighter

Feeling a tad brighter today, thank God, and did my best to be more cheerful and positive. Despite it being Sunday, I got up and worked for a couple of hours on the work I was doing with Keith, as I had been pretty poor last week. Able to focus a bit better.

Lorraine much better now. And she is feeling positively optimistic which is lovely to see.

In the afternoon Lorraine and wrapped up and went outside, as it was quite warmish and sunny. Ate sandwiches with tuna mayo garnished with sprouting seedlings. Tasty. We walked about talking about where to put the fruit trees that are soon coming early next week, and even spent some time weeding together. Later I did much of the cooking too. 

Tobs called it had been dangerously cold with the wind on Friday, and that what compensation he would get for his cancelled flights over Christmas was still uncertain. Canada, eh?  Anton called, having had a good weekend of gaming and drinking with his mate Dan. They were debating which day of the year would it be best to die on -- Anton says December 6 for reasons best known to himself. Klaudia is in hospital with quinsy again. She is supposed to have her tonsils out in a few weeks. Can't come soon enough.
