All well, for a Monday

Dreary Monday. Three hours waiting for folks in France to forward me a single email containing a few files they promised on Friday. Then, gallingly presented at the end of the day but then the goalposts were moved, so more tomorrow. However I have to look on the bright side. No travelling needed, and I could do everything from home -- and have chats with Lorraine from time to time. All is well, for a Monday. Funny how whatever you are doing, Monday's still have a residual work pall about them.

Anton called. Chris the plumber stopped by to measure things. Texts from Keith. 

Lorraine went to her physical trainer in Bolney, and even popped into school by arrangement and Rebecca's class read some stuff out to her. A big step to go back, and she said it felt perfectly natural and weird at the same time. The new head sweet with her. 

We roasted a chicken this evening (held over from yesterday) with roast parsnips and potatoes and assorted veggies. Lorraine and I are eating less meat lately, so I enjoyed it as a bit of a novelty.  Almost at the end of Star Trek Voyager now. Sunset on another giant binge watch. I just want escapism at the moment. Lorraine, shockingly, is talking about watching something different, or even not watching anything at all.  
