So long Voyager

Finished the latest piece of freelance this afternoon. Was told that the work I had done yesterday was actually what was wanted all along, not this new stuff I was told to do. A feeling of cheery release at the end of the day, especially as it was a pleasant winter's day and the enticements of the garden were making themselves felt. Lorraine planting rhubarb and loving being in the garden. 

In the evening we watched the last episode of Star Trek Voyager. Enjoyed seeing all seven series. I liked the characters of Janeway, Tuvok and the Doctor and they were well acted -- and everything enlivened by the introduction of the Seven of Nine character. The final double episode has Janeway, as an Admiral going back in time to right wrongs so her younger self and the crew could get home more quickly. 

Below Jeri Ryan as Seven of Nine. A proper SF heroine. I snapped this from the TV screen -- and some frogspawn Lorraine showed me in our fishpond.
