Red car, grey sky

Monday, and a bit lifeless. Took a lengthy but content free brief with Keith and two other teams for a big job. A Teams meeting, and seeing all the faces. One guy's backdrop looking out of a space station window. Others blurred. Me, I just go with my unadorned study, which is nicely curated with books and a bottle garden.

A long slog of a day with Keith afterwards, walking through treacle and neither of us on top form, but we came away with eight or nine starts for ideas by the end of the day, which is pretty good going.

Squeezed quite a bit of walking into the day, after work, a bit at lunchtime, and some after work.

Excellent football today. Bazillions of goals.

Liked this snap of a red car I took against the grey sky, and also a black and white thing of a cloud echoing a tree.  

