Thorn grasping

Dawn popped around this afternoon. So nice to see her, and so nice for Lorraine to be able to be able to sit and chat with her combing enough hair off Calliope to knit a jumper with. Dawn getting married next May all being well. Exiting!

In the spirit of thorn grasping, I called the doctor because of weird guts. A conversation this afternoon created a swift response and I popped down to collect a kit for the poo doctors. Was called efficiently by the hospital the same day who will want a new blood test and probably a colonoscopy. Currently managing hypochondria but all this not well timed for the holiday.

More thorn grasping with the bank. Because of my great Natwest business account saga of 2021 that lasted for six months I was left with having my business account not linked to my personal account on the same online page and so on. Fixed this at last (I hope) after talking to four people.

New teeshirts arrived. Stripes! Lorraine and I finished watching Star Trek Next Generation, which ended in a frenzy of  dangerous but ill defined temporal anomalies. 
