A burst of progress

Up and writing well this morning, feeling rightly or wrongly that the albatross manuscript is taking shape finally although its title is still undecided. I have found a way to weave together the strands of writing about memory with that of masculinity and have been enjoying a sudden burst of progress.

I have to meet up with Keith and thrash out a few bullet points on Monday, but other than that free and clear now on the freelance business for a bit. Spoke to him this morning about the offer to work over the weekend, which I declined yesterday. Did some billing and sending in timesheets this afternoon.

Off this afternoon to the gym, after a post lunch and nap after Lorraine and I had meditated. Dragged myself there to be honest. A bit concerned that I can do only half as much as I could a few weeks ago. I had a bit of a bug but I am really struggling on the cross trainer. Lorraine noticed this morning the same effect when she was at her personal trainer. Not feeling ill, just an underlying weariness. Still all okay, and neurotically checking blood sugar and so on, which seems fine. 

Tonight I cooked a decent vegetable curry, which we both enjoyed. Feeling quite cheery, and very happy not to be going out. Contacted Anton and arranged to meet him tomorrow. 
