A bean-based bounty

A chilled Sunday, tomatoes on toast for breakfast.  Harvested was over a kilo of beans from the back garden (runner, French and dwarf) two heritage carrots. We ate lots of them as a side dish to fish pie, and the bulk Lorraine blanched and then were frozen.  Lorraine made a curtain, I caught up with my blog then tinkered with my poetry ms. Blood sugar alarm went off again, just as I was sitting down to eat -- having missed lunch. While no cause for alarm, interesting how your blood sugar reacts to not being fed. 

Then hedge trimming as Lorraine had got our shears sharpened yesterday. Took me on a nostalgia trip back to clipping the hedges at my grandparents house. Spoke to Mum this evening, chatting about Gwen my grandmother. Seems strange she has been gone for 32 years. They are always with you though, somehow.

Below the bounty of Kenny farm. Lorraine with heritage carrots (which are not the garish orange of newbie carrots) and a cross section of one. It was remarkably tasty and complex, like one of its grandfathers had been a radish. And a cheeky harvest of beans. 
