Van Gogh and purple skies

Up earlyish and off to Seaford Station where we met our new friend Delores, and zoomed off to Brighton to see the Van Gough live experience in the Brighton Dome.  Van Gough images projected onto vast screens. Sometimes these had been animated. Sometimes the crows flapped  or a windmill turned or cherry blossom fell or, worse, a train chugging along a track. Also irritating was how the images had been cut to fit the music, so that the music was prioritised and not the visual work. Erik Satie being used twice (I love me a bit of Satie) and a bit of Japanese music to hamfistedly underline the cherry blossom picture and his copies of Japanese prints. Also a few plonking computer generated stars before his pictures with stars in, and film of corn to remind us what the Cornfield with Crows was about and so on. While it was lovely to be immersed by his images, I found the experience annoying. Upstairs section was weak. A few artificial sunflowers in an infinity room of mirrors, and a mock up of his room. You could also enter a raffle to win a meh picture of Brighton painted in the style of Van Gough. My review: Meh. Van Gogh for your insta feed. But then I am a grumpy old geezer. 

We had a cup of coffee with Delores on Trafalgar street. Delores great fun, and we both really liked hanging out with her. I've met her a few times now, and she is one of Adele's pals, and Lorraine's got to know her better from the book group. Among many things we were chatting about the gulls in our house, and she said a two wood pigeons came into her bedroom last week and laid an egg under the bed. 

Then home to Seaford. I went to Morrisons, and Lorraine met Sian on the beach and brought her home. Loads to talk about, hanging put in the back garden and having dinner there. Then we drove up to the Barn on Seaford head, and walked towards the cuckmere valley looking at the white cliffs.  Gorgeous low light, and I took a few snaps with my proper camera.  

Then after watching the sun set standing by the side of a rabbity field, we drove down to the Seaford beach, and walked along there just after sunset. Beautiful purple skies, and the sea appearing lighter than the sky, which always looks gorgeous. Home and we watched a bit of Glastonbury before bed after midnight. 

Below, me being underwhelmed in Vincent's room. Immersed in cherry blossom, Sian and Lorraine on a bench on Seaford Head, white cliffs and two magpies, sheep and rooks, and just after sunset on Seaford Beach looking towards Newhaven. And yay! our first cucumber snapped by Lorraine. Tasted great.

