A new doctor and old friends

Writing a quick blurb for the Children's episode of the podcast, and kept myself busy this morning. I had a doctor's appointment. As I was making a new start with a new doctor, I had made an appointment to explained about my white coat syndrome. I always feel super stressed by having my blood pressure taken, and so the readings they have are of me being very stressed indeed. I took Lorraine as a character witness to assure them I wasn't a complete nutcase. Luckily my new doctor listened brilliantly, was deeply reassuring, explained that we are going to do another 24 hour test, like the two I've had already (both showed my blood pressure was okay) and do some tests to keep an eye on everything, now that I am over 60. She was clear, proactive and positive. Best doctor conversation I can remember having. Brilliant.

Felt rather pleased with myself afterwards for grasping this particular nettle. Lorraine and I went shopping in preparation for Innis and Rosie coming round, with Pippi, and hanging out in the heat of the garden. Innis brought the print we had bought from his exhibition. He did very well selling quite a few, which was great for his first Open Houses.

I sparked up the barbecue and we ate outside. I seemed to be on a mission to lap up all the beer with Innis in the hot sun. My top hat steadily crept from true. Still I enjoyed myself, and no fur flew when Pippi and Calliope met up.


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