A bardic boost

An excellent morning's writing today, and a happy afternoon pottering about with Lorraine, doing a bit of gardening, and pouring buckets of our remaining rainwater into the fishpond which has evaporated lots due to the strong wind and cloudless skies. A day for talking about life and meditation. I have had a few 'ah-hah!' moments about the mental ruts I have found myself in recently, and am now able to find ways of escaping them. I feel happier than I have felt for some time. We have some peas growing, which Lorraine was very excited about. 

In the evening, we took ourselves off to the Little Theatre in Seaford and saw a local production of Twelfth Night. We met Adele and Patrick there, and members of Lorraine's cheery book group including Kate and Delores who I have met before. I enjoyed it enormously, and felt absolutely refreshed in the cascade of beautiful and funny language. Every line a zinger. The direction fairly good too, and the actors did well enough. I don't see enough Shakespeare. A friendly place, and a glass of red wine for the groundlings to sip as we watched at a mere £2.50.

We all repaired afterwards to the Wellington for a single drink, joined by Kate's husband Andrew who I have met before, before the woman behind the bar shut the bar at 10:30. So nice just to be able to saunter home afterwards. All well.
