Lunch with Catherine and Tanya

Lorraine and I running about tidying the house this morning. Both in a very happy mood, and talking about what is important: spending time with each other. We also made ready for a visit from Tanya and Catherine, who were coming over for lunch.  We all lurked in the kitchen eating veggie chilli and rice and assorted cheeses with dates and grapes and caught up.

Naturally we showed them around our new house, and Lorraine took Tanya around the garden -- they are going to Chelsea Flower Show together later in the year. There was lots of news to catch up on, and some of it mixed. Catherine and Tanya moved house a little after we did -- which they are happy with, and Catherine has had excellent book cases built -- which she showed me a video of.  But Catherine has been up against it with flu, covid, and Catherine had shingles  -- which she is mostly recovered from. She also started a very promising new job, which turns out to have a vile work culture and this has proved to be very stressful.  Also a mutual friend or ours has been unwell with cancer. Despite this bad news, it was great to see them again. I am very fond of both of them.

A train strike today, but luckily there are plenty of buses. We left them at the bus stop, and walking past The Boot we popped in for a single pint of Mother-in-law. Then we had a walk by the sea, spotting Venus bright in the sky, and arriving home as it grew properly dark. 

A lovely day. The view west. 
