A day of poems and beds

Lovely to wake up knowing I could get on with some of my writing. Like hundreds of poetry writers I was finalising my manuscript ready to enter the Poetry Business Competition. I think I managed something tolerably coherent. There is something bracing about knowing you have to finalise it NOW. Who knows? But at least I have tried.  

Lorraine and I then had lunch and them purposefully went down to the work 'ouse and assembled a raised bed on legs. However not without a bit of a performance. The instructions tell you that you need to make sure you have all the pieces beforehand. We had several pieces missing. Down to the garden centre with dinosaurs and we were told there the mistake was actually in the instructions.  They gave us the extra pieces anyway, but they proved not to be needed. Lorraine sourced some membrane for the bottom of the bed anyway. Hard work with a couple of broken drill bits, but Lorraine and I assembled the structure below from at least twenty pieces and felt pleased with ourselves.   

A cheery evening, despite the absence of Voyager. 
