Kenny farm

A rest from brainwork today. Instead, an intense day on Kenny Farm. Zoomed off to Morrisons round the corner in the car as they were selling multipurpose compost at a snip, and got six bags of this some of which was put into the raised bed, along with topsoil and a layer of John Innes no. 2. Into this Lorraine planted her hardy winter salad leaves.  

Meanwhile I set about digging a trench, through a layer of stones, and a membrane layer quite deep. This was filled with with manure and soil, into which two raspberry canes and a goji berry plant were planted. We had lunch outside in the sunshine and after a few hours, felt that we had done a good day's work. Lorraine really happy when we are working together in the garden -- and I am finding it satisfying, and cheaper than the gym. So the tally of things we have introduced...  Pears, apples, plums, raspberries, strawberries, goji berries, blueberries, rhubarb, hardy winter salad leaves, and Lorraine has planted seeds for chillies, tomatoes, cucumber, aubergine, onions, and beetroot. If any of these flourish it will be very exciting. Also there are seed potatoes 'chitting' -- and Lorraine has more seeds to plant.

After a hot shower that felt good on this farmhand's back, a chilled evening -- Lorraine made us a delicious chicken stew loaded with veggies for dinner. Toying with Star Trek Enterprise, God help us.

Below Brian enjoys a quick doze, and a corner of the Kenny AgriIndustrial complex.
