A word from Detroit

Needed aid from Lorraine to get up in the middle of the night as my back had seized up and I couldn't move without whimpering. I took a diazepam when I woke up, which is a muscle relaxant and helped with the spasming, and made me feel nonchalant about being unable to put my socks on.  

I gingerly got out of bed, Lorraine was dealing with Chris the plumber arrived first thing and began the business of replacing the boiler and water tank. He had to leave this afternoon, however, to get emergency dental treatment.  

Lorraine, who is looking a tad slimmer these days, off to her personal trainer at lunch. She returned with canes for the raspberries and food from Morrisons. 

Bob phoned walking his dog saying we should go to see Carl.  Shortly after, Anton called to tell me he had begun the construction of his glider tailplane. Some of the balsa pieces are a few millimetres thin, and breakable balsa apparently.  

Delighted to receive email from MSR for the first time since 2013. He's an old university friend, who's now a professor in Detroit. He said he stumbled across some poems on e.ratio -- and has volume of his writing to send me. Exciting -- and suggests I come to stay with him and his wife for a bit in Detroit. I looked at it on the map, and where he lives, due to a loop in the border going through the lakes the Canadian border is south. It's also near the town of Sarnia obviously the home of Guernsey people at one point. MSR says it is only four hours from Toronto on a train.

Lorraine took my computer down to the living room, as there is work going on in my study, and I did some work there.  

Mobile enough to cook this evening, having spent most of the day working in my comfortable straight backed chair.  In the evening Lorraine went to Churchill Square to help Beth with a build for a commercial event -- and didn't get home till almost 1am. Beth's job ridiculously -- and to my mind unfairly -- demanding at the moment -- but her conditions are about to change soon.  

Alone, I watched a four part documentary about Bill Cosby. He did good things and was unbelievably popular, but was also a man who raped women after drugging them. Reconciling those two things is particularly tough for people of colour in the USA. America's Dad but a serial rapist hiding in plain sight.

