Beermonsters reassemble

Nastily cold day. Woken by Calliope and Brian offensively early. Up and let Chris in at 8:30 to continue replacing the boiler and water tank and so on. Then I spent hours in my nest editing my most recent interview for Planet Poetry, and cringing around the heater.

Chris and I left at about the same time. I met Steve at the station and we caught the train to Brighton, now at last upgraded and with on board toilets as if it were the 21st century or something, where we went to the Battle of Trafalgar where the beermonsters were assembling for the first time in many months. A full complement, with Nick, Richard and Claudius too. Claudius now living in Senegal most of the time -- although back for a few weeks. He really likes it in Dakar which is an up and coming place, and is taking French lessons. Richard was on excellent form, looking happier and healthier that for some time, and was just starting a few weeks vacation. Nick, always cheery, telling us among other things about the wonders of a new mild he has been brewing.

Steve and I, top hats entirely vertical and proper, caught the 21:41 back to Seaford. My Lorraine was home, which made me happy. 

Below Richard, Nick and Claudius in the Batty - Steve and I not pictured.
