Covid comes to Kenny towers

Message from Ken on the Woods family WhatsApp that Pat has covid this morning. Meanwhile Sam took a test this evening which showed the two lines of a positive result very rapidly. Lorraine and I both tested negative. But I'm feeling fairly calm about become positive if that happens.

Sam had a very scratchy throat and was tired. Pat had a brief temperature which apparently reduced quickly. Lorraine talking to Maureen and it sounds like everyone is taking it in their stride. Luckily, everyone fully vaccinated.  

Started a short freelance job today, but given a surfeit of irrelevant information, and no brief. Spent most of the day feeling confused about what was wanted of me. Chris, the art director I had been teamed up with, was very busy so I had little time with him. Although at the end of the day we had a brief chat about Gladstone Park which we found we both played in as kids. 

Went for a walk in heavy cold rain at lunchtime, came home and had to change my sodden trousers. Cooked, watched TV, went to bed early feeling tired. Generally, a bus ride from my finest hour today.
