Boules to it
No progress on bank matters, but a spot of writing first thing and some nice feedback about my interview with John. Made off at lunchtime, after a quick chat with Sonia to call on Anton, and we went off to play a game of boules by the seaside again. Rather nice it was too. A very enjoyable game. Home via Anton's back garden.
Home and I phoned up 123-reg again and thoroughly enraged shared my feelings about how my email still is not working or the mailbox transferred after two weeks.
Lorraine finally finished work today for the half term. I was so pleased for her. She managed to get the end of another tricky half term just about in one piece. I nipped around to Red Chillies and picked up some takeaway for us. We were alone tonight as Sam and Jade were in London.
Here is Anton in his back garden (which is looking immaculate) pictured drinking a beer and talking about books.