Adding up

Accounts off to accountant at last (there's no accounting for it). Then spent quite a bit of time editing the interview I did with John McCullough. Sonia here today. Whenever I say to her, Hi Sonia how are you? She looks at me as if it is a mad question. I will miss her. Texts with Keith. I am hoping that the freelance work hasn't not ground completely to a halt. Feast or famine is the freelance way. Did some more work on my poems and this was pleasing. Went for a bit of a walk, listening to geopolitics, and spoke to Mum about while returning back from a late afternoon walk. Ended the week on a vaguely irritable note, with lots of the simple jobs on my Monday list still incomplete through reasons behind my control.

Lorraine home at a good time today. She has got herself lined up with a personal trainer starting next week to get her going gently on exercises again, which can only be a good thing. I have rejoined my gym and I will be going back in due course, once my second jab has bedded in. Interestingly, however, people in and around government are beginning to talk about the Indian variant, as a threat to returning to whatever normal is. 

Happy to be at home with Lorraine tonight, she had a tough week, but better than last week. I nipped around the corner and picked up some curry from Red Chillies for Lorraine, Sam and I. L and I strapped on the nosebag. Sam went upstairs to be online, and we had a couple of beers and watched Call the Midwife, which Lorraine likes noting with approval that they had got the uniforms right for the London Hospital this time (having worked there as a slip of a girl). And so, eventually, to bed.
