Pat and Maureen back to Ashford

Up and breakfast with Pat and Maureen. Nice chat with them, and Maureen told me she felt she had got her daughter back after we got together as I was more sociable than Lorraine's first husband.   

Lorraine drove Pat and Maureen home this afternoon. I left with them, and sauntered to Morrisons to buy a few bits and cook myself a stir fry. Turns out Maureen left her knitting bag and handbag with all her medications in, which was only noticed on arrival in Ashford. 

I mooched about happily at home alone for the first time in some time. I cooked a turkey stock soup with a perhaps too random selection of vegetables in it.  I also used Lorraine's music app and did a guitar lesson, which takes you back to basics, which I enjoyed as it has been a while since I have played guitar with any regularity. Never having had a single lesson, I am very open to a back to basics approach. Lorraine is loving her piano lessons and audibly making progress.

Lorraine home after eight, and had a bowlful of the strange soup and a glass of wine and sank gratefully into the gold sofa. A peaceful evening, the first one alone for some time. 
