An interesting evening

Working on concepts for Valérie again today. Sent them off this afternoon, and received an almost instantaneous positive response. Working with Val is lovely. Also billed my other client, then went for a walk late in the evening, just to blow the cobwebs off having been manacled to the desk for much of the day. Lorraine had been off to her personal trainer this morning and was out and about.

Felt in a good mood, having completed my jobs. Spoke to Mum, then went for a drink with Patrick and Andrew. Was fascinated by Andrew telling me that he can't see pictures in his head. He read an article in the Guardian about someone who had never been able to visualise people or things in their heads and realised it was him too. A story made even more remarkable by the fact that he had worked for years in Police surveillance. A rather a good and interesting evening, and I enjoyed myself. Both men very interesting. We had a perhaps unnecessary absolute bloody final in the Cinque Ports having met in the Boot.   

