A cheeky with Anton

A spot of shopping with Lorraine in Seaford, plus a big supermarket food shop. I popped into Gallery Uno, and they were very friendly, and bought Lorraine a little ceramic heart thingy and also some earrings from another place, to supplement the presents I had bought her ahead of time in Brighton a week ago.

This evening met Anton in Steamworks, to swap a bag of presents and have a cheeky beer. Trains not working, so he had to catch a bus over to Seaford. Really nice just to chill out a bit, right a few wrongs with the world and play a game of bones in the pub. After Lorraine had taken care of Pat and Maureen, we were joined by Lorraine, and together we mooched off to Spice Village, where we had a  surprisingly delicious curry. Felt very holiday-ish. Left Anton standing at a bus stop and sloped home. 
