Calliope in a ruff

A less arduous day. Upper body feeling like I had been doing a big workout. I spend several hours preparing for my next Planet Poetry interview this morning and emailing my questions off.

Beth and James came around separately. While I was working Beth arrived, and she started making a Sunday roast for Lorraine, as an early birthday present. James meanwhile had cycled to Eastbourne and then back here. 

I called Mum this morning, while she was talking to me puffs of smoke were emerging from Ben's house. Turned out he was having a small garden fire. 

Happy afternoon, sitting in the garden and sipping some wine and eating roast pork and chatting with James about the aerodynamic qualities of his bike, and about Napoli where he and Beth are going soon. I am liking James lots these days. To my surprise, Beth brought me a late Christmas present, which was a picture of a cat in an Elizabethan ruff and top. The cat looked very familiar, but it was only when Lorraine told me that it was actually Calliope, did I look again and realise what had been staring me in the face. I love it.

A cheery afternoon, and a quiet evening. Toby phoned this evening, and was talking about AI. He has been looking at it because of education, and the students using it to compose essays and so on. He is even using it to sense check his own work. It is a stealthy revolution. AI will be in charge soon.
