Bits and bobs

Recording with Robin all the bits and bobs of the Clare Best episode this morning, and then editing for much of the day and feeling slightly under the cosh getting it all ready. Lorraine off to her personal trainer this lunchtime, and I mooched off to the gym for an interlude of fitness. Lovely day, and I went at it all a bit too enthusiastically. The stomach at the moment is very disappointing. Still it was good to be doing stuff. Home and more editing until I was able to send the first draft of the episode off to Robin -- who emailed to say she could see a few bits that needed tweaking.  You always get to that point where you can't hear the leaves from the air.

A quick chat with Beth, who popped in today to see Lorraine and do a spot of shopping. Also received a beautifully bound hardback book today of Richard's selected poems. 
