A certain unreality

Monday. A grey rainy day, and cold. Working online with Keith and feeling cold in my study. We put on the heating in two or three one hour bursts to keep off the penguins. A meeting with Pat today too, meeting background kept making his long hair disappear and reappear as if flapping in a high wind  

Happy to have Lorraine busying herself around the house, doing things with sourdough and sorting bits and pieces, it being her first morning home since Friday. Once done with work, Lorraine and I assembled a bathroom cabinet. Surprising how warming screwdrivers can be. Lorraine, not having been here for a couple of days, getting flashes of unreality about this being her home -- and it is not a holiday from which we will have to return.

Cocooned on the gold sofa tonight, eating a warming chicken and vegetable stew and catching up with Deep Space 9. 

Meanwhile in an alternative universe the football world cup started in the UAE. England won their first game 6-2, which was rather impressive -- interest a little subdued in the UK at least due to politics -- UAE are bad, and lots of people died creating football stadia in the desert, pressure meant that the England captain couldn't wear his rainbow armband and so on. I saw the five minute highlights, which were a delight.

Increasing mentions here and there on the media of the shocking news that maybe Brexit wasn't such a fabulous idea after all. Knowing what they now know, according to polling, the vote would have been decisively to remain. 

