Shocking evening

More chats with Keith today. Phone calls about the survey we are going to have done on our house by our buyers. Generally feeling a bit edgy and finding concentration a bit hard. Worrying about lots of thing simultaneously at present. 

Dusty dolls this lunchtime. They may not be the best cleaners in the world, but I very much how cheery they are. A walk this afternoon just up to the hillfort. Finished the novel Heaven, by Mieko Kawakami, which Toby had told me to read. Excellent book.

Sam off to see his Dad and stay in London with Jade this evening. Lorraine at a Governors meeting, so I ate pasta and watched Star Trek The Next Generation, which seems even more dated than the first series but is great fun. Lorraine home from her meetings, and we enjoyed being together. Lively thunder storm tonight. Loved it. I happened to be wearing my teeshirt with a lightning strike on it for the first time in ages, and showed this to Lorraine claiming to be a thunder god.

Snapped these two snaps outside one after the other, catching the blaze of lightning. 


