Seaford by train

Slight trepidation at the start of the week. A fairly dispiriting list for the remainder of the week... Trying to drum up some freelance, editing podcasts, talking to estate agents, starting to sort my tax out and so on. 

However, a nice note from Jeremy this morning, accepting one of my new poems about memory, The House With Blue Curtains, for the one hundredth issue of The Frogmore Papers.

In the afternoon off to Seaford...  by train. A nice journey from London Road, through the countryside and ending up going through the less lovely dockside of Newhaven and into Seaford.

I met Lorraine outside a beautiful grade II listed building, with sloping floors but lots of uneven stairs with sloping treads that were a bit death trappy. The other house was beautifully presented (in estate agent's parlance) but we found it curiously soulless despite a big tidy garden. 
