Duvet day

Ill and spent the day in bed with Lorraine. However it was a nice day, and we had the Juliette windows open to let in fresh air.

A poor night, exhausting problem-solving dreams and waking up continually with painful coughing, headache, sore throat and sinuses, and generally feeling exhausted. Negative test, but nurse Lorraine assures me I have covid. I was convinced I wouldn't get it, but hey ho. Spent the day in bed, and slept heavily this afternoon. I was looked after by everyone else. And Lorraine and I were brought up some vegan food in the evening that Jade had delivered. 

Lorraine feels a little better, however, which is excellent. But the timing of this covid is horrible for her birthday on Friday. I feel really disappointed about that.

Texting with Toby today. Sent him these photos which I snapped in bed. The cats delighted with us being so sedentary today.
