Slowly improving
Today had a tricky start, feeling apprehensive about the new job. Hammering rain first thing, which made me pleased I was working from home. Breakfast: a boiled egg and the a slice of the most holed chewy brown loaf I have ever seen. Sat at my desk an hour or so before the first meeting to read through the material I had been sent, at 8 o'clock the central part of my vision went to be replaced by spangles. A migraine. Luckily I sat listening to a meditation tape, and the spangling had passed ten minutes before I was to dial in. These days the headache component to my migraine is just at basic headache level, so I could press on, albeit in a wussed out enervated way. Working with Fernanda, who is a lovely Brazilian woman who I have worked with before, and some other pleasant folks. Yet another transatlantic pitch. I can't seem to escape them. Working with Fernando -- also Brazilian but based in Lisbon. Keith messaged saying last weeks agency are wondering if I would be free to w...