Sluggish and froggy

A quiet day, trying to get to grips with the French work. By usual stream of brilliant ideas seems to have dried up, and progress is sluggish. Bah.

Great to be at home though. Had coffee in the garden with Lorraine. Overcast and warm. Making plans for the garden. Looking at our tree still heavy with plums and discussing making jam. Noticed quite a large frog in our bucket pond. Nice to know that the cats hadn't thinned them all out completely.

Lorraine out this afternoon, shopping and to see a pal and coo at her new baby. I spoke to Mum, and texted Toby late in the afternoon. Happy when Lorraine came home, which was my signal to gratefully stop work, and spend quality time with my lovely wife. We watched a Mark Kermode documentary about how Horror films work, which was fun. Lorraine made it through to the end, not being great at horror.

Below a frog in a bucket pond.
